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How to Find The Right Leaders for Your Company with Executive Search
How to Find The Right Leaders for Your Company with Executive Search

Attracting and retaining executive talent can be more difficult than finding candidates for other positions. Not only do you need to find a candidate with the industry knowledge and technical skills to drive your business forward, but they also need to share your company values to successfully promote your mission and lead others. Sourcing the right leaders for your businesses means thinking about your recruitment processes with executives in mind. At Jackson Grant, we’re experts in executive search recruitment. Here are our top tips for businesses thinking about how to find leaders quickly and efficiently. Define the Role One of the most overlooked steps in finding executive talent is defining the exact requirements and responsibilities of the role you are looking to hire for. Different executive positions, industries and businesses will need leaders with specific skills, experiences, and qualifications. And different workforces thrive best under different leadership styles. Think carefully about the kind of person you are looking for, let your hiring manager know what you’re looking for and make this clear in any job descriptions or branding materials you create. Tap Into Your Network When thinking about how to find leaders, it’s important not to neglect one of the most powerful tools at your disposal – your network of industry contacts! Unlike candidates for more junior roles, executive talent is often not actively job hunting. To access the highest quality executives, you need to be proactive in approaching them. Use professional networks, industry connections and referrals from your current leadership team to make new connections. Having a business presence at networking events, conferences, and industry gatherings can also be valuable opportunities for building awareness of your company as a great place to work. Build a Strong Brand Reputation Because the very best executive talent can afford to wait for the right offer from the right business it’s important to make your employer brand a key part of your leadership recruitment. Cultivate a positive employer brand by showcasing your company culture, values, and commitment to employee development and well-being. Make use of multiple platforms, such as LinkedIn, your website, and industry press to reach a wider audience of potential leadership candidates. Put Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Front and Centre Companies that embrace diversity at every level of their organisation are more innovative, more creative, and ultimately more profitable. Employees from diverse backgrounds are going to be looking to your executive team for leadership, mentorship, and guidance, so it’s important that your leaders reflect the diversity of your workforce. For example, only 32% of leadership positions in the APAC region are held by women, but across the region women often account for upwards of 50% of the workforce. It’s important that any DEI initiatives and strategies that you build into your wider recruitment processes are also reflected in your executive hiring.  Offer Competitive Compensation When you are thinking about how to find leaders and how best to attract them to your business it’s important to offer competitive compensation. However, while pay is an important driver for executive talent, it is not their only motivation for taking a role. Think about your executive compensation holistically. Include other benefits alongside your salary offering; you might consider your bonus scheme, offering stock options and other executive perks. You should also think about how your benefits package appeals to leadership talent from diverse demographics, more flexible working for example may appeal more to those with caring responsibilities. Whatever package you offer, ensure that it is attractive and aligned with industry standards. Provide Growth and Development Opportunities Executive candidates are by their nature driven individuals who are looking for opportunities to further their careers and make a significant impact within a dynamic and growing company. When hiring you should be highlighting any opportunities you have for professional growth, career advancement, and leadership development within your organisation. Rethink the Recruitment Process Show that you respect the time of executive talent by ensuring your recruitment process is as efficient and transparent as possible. Minimise delays and keep candidates informed at every stage of the hiring process. Think about how many interviews and assessments you are asking candidates to undertake and always make sure that you involve key stakeholders and team members in the interview process to gain diverse perspectives on executive candidate’s potential. Consider Using an Executive Search Agency Of course, partnering with an executive search agency like JacksonGrant can help you implement these tips effectively. We can help you access a broader network of executive talent, streamline your recruitment process, and build your employer brand. We also have specialised expertise in identifying, attracting, and evaluating top candidates to ensure a successful executive hire. How Does Executive Search Work? At JacksonGrant we act as your dedicated executive recruitment partner. This means we work closely with you to understand your unique requirements and goals. So, we only shortlist candidates who are a perfect match. Using cutting edge, proven methodologies, interviews, and assessments, we can find talented executives from across Thailand and Southeast Asia who will drive your business forward. And, because we are members of the Association of Executive Search and Leadership Consultants (AESC) and IIC Partners Executive Search Worldwide we give you access to unparalleled global talent networks as well as tailored advice and support. JacksonGrant has earned a reputation as Thailand’s leading recruitment specialists in Manufacturing, Supply Chain, and Industrial Technology sectors. Our success comes from an innovative approach, clear communication, and a commitment to fully engage with our clients’ industries. If you are interested in how to find leaders for your business using our executive search services get in touch with one of our team today to discuss how we can help meet your needs.  

Traits Leaders Need When Managing Global Teams
Traits Leaders Need When Managing Global Teams

Thailand is increasingly central to the global economy. Its’ manufacturing industries are booming and the country is a key hub in today’s interconnected and globalised supply chain. Because of Thailand’s location in Southeast Asia and its open economic and political outlook, businesses from Europe and North America are keen to shift their production or open new branches here. But managing global teams is never simple.  Ninety-one percent of businesses surveyed by HSBC in 2023 expect to expand into Southeast Asia over the next two years. As businesses extend their reach, they need effective leadership capable of steering multinational teams towards success. From bridging cultural gaps to navigating time zone differences to encouraging collaboration across geographical boundaries, the role of a leader in a global setting is demanding.  Whether you are a business seeking executive talents to take your global initiatives forward or an ambitious individual eager to cultivate your leadership ability, we’ll help you understand what it takes to manage global teams successfully. Working with Cultural Differences in Multinational Teams When managing global teams, leaders must notice and understand diverse cultural codes at play and then choose creative ways of addressing challenges that can affect the ability of teams to get the job done.  Culturally smart leaders can see how different ways of working can be innovative, and how they can interact to create alternative processes and procedures. They are able to bridge the gap between cultures, providing space for discussion and guiding team members to leverage the positives of working cross-culturally.  Get more insights into how Thai and Western work cultures differ and how they can work together. 4 Key Traits for Global Team Management Once you understand the cultural differences at play, you can work on developing essential skills that can help you manage global teams successfully. Traits of effective managers and leaders of multinational teams include the following: Communication Good communication makes it easier for global teams to work well together. Multinational teams often struggle with distance, both physical and cultural, which can breed misunderstandings and make it harder to spot mistakes. To cultivate good communication,  implement practices and procedures aimed at sharing information and building connections. Establish rotating schedules for team meetings, ensuring that all members have equal opportunities to contribute, regardless of their geographic location. Timing matters too. Send emails and plan meetings when everyone can be online during their work hours.Additionally, create opportunities for informal interactions, perhaps through virtual happy hours or casual gatherings, allowing team members to build personal connections beyond the confines of work-related discussions. Transparency Demonstrating a commitment to transparency and honesty in your leadership creates a culture where individuals can feel encouraged to speak openly and share relevant information. This not only strengthens team bonds but can improve trust – 86% of leaders say that the more transparent they are, the more their workforce trusts them. Transparency also aligns individuals with your organisation's values and culture, creating a shared sense of purpose. Sharing information about projects happening in other locations breaks down barriers and helps team members to see the bigger picture, understand how their contributions fit into the organisation's goals, and feel a sense of connection to the broader company culture.Build honesty and transparency into your own ways of working as well. Be as open as you can about challenges and successes and be willing to admit mistakes while detailing any new plans of action.  Resilience  Managing global teams is a juggling act. There are many opportunities for things to go wrong or for plans to change suddenly. The ability to bounce back from challenges and recover effectively is important. Cultivating personal resilience means maintaining a positive mindset, learning from difficult experiences, and remaining steadfast when problems arise. It’s also important to encourage resilience in your teams, keeping everyone on track. Leaders can do this by fostering a supportive environment as well as modelling positive behaviours particularly around wellbeing.Empower your teams by recognising and celebrating small wins, acknowledging effort, and emphasising a collective approach to problem-solving. Develop open communication channels to allow team members to share concerns and seek help. Provide opportunities for professional development to instil confidence and equip individuals with the skills to tackle challenges head-on. Visibility Effective leaders should be seen – something that can be hard to do if you are managing a large, geographically distant team! Visibility is a crucial leadership trait when overseeing multinational teams because it encourages approachability and connection. Leaders need to overcome distance by actively engaging with team members, being approachable, and demonstrating emotional and cultural intelligence in their interactions. Cultural intelligence allows leaders to apply their emotional intelligence appropriately while understanding and responding to the needs of their diverse teams. Visible leaders inspire by both showcasing enthusiasm for the organisation's goals and encouraging team members to share their own passions. When managing multinational teams, leaders who prioritise visibility lay the groundwork for stronger relationships, effective communication, and a shared sense of purpose across borders. In today’s highly connected and global business world, leaders who can effectively manage multinational team are a valuable commodity. Businesses moving into Thailand should prioritise finding talent with the skills to navigate such a challenging role. Likewise, candidates wanting to appeal to multinational businesses should take the opportunity to expand their skillsets and develop key leadership traits. Together we can create collaborative, resilient, and thriving teams ready to take their place on the world stage. As Thailand's leading Industrial, Logistics and Supply Chain recruitment agency, we connect business with experienced, technically proficient, English-speaking candidates at every level across Thailand and Southeast Asia.  Whether you’re an employer or a candidate, we can help you take advantage of the current market, grow your business, or progress in your career.  Learn more about JacksonGrant’s innovative service offering, find a new role, or get in touch with a consultant to discuss your needs.  

Hiring in the New Year? Here are 5 ways to improve candidate experience when recruiting
Hiring in the New Year? Here are 5 ways to improve candidate experience when recruiting

Think back on your past experiences of job hunting. You most likely had some negative experiences as well as some positive ones. Even many years later a bad experience with a company might colour how you think about them as a business, and whether you’d consider applying to a role with them again now! A great candidate experience involves creating a journey that is smooth, efficient, and engaging, leaving candidates with a favourable impression of the company regardless of the final hiring decision. What Is Candidate Experience? Put simply, candidate experience is how a candidate perceives your business during and after the application process. Every single interaction an applicant has, from how they find your job description to how you communicate your final hiring decision, can influence a candidate’s overall experience with you. Every stage of the recruitment process is important, and you should carefully consider how each step could impact candidate experience. You should be aiming for positive, transparent, and respectful interactions throughout the entire recruitment process. Importance of Candidate Experience Candidate experience should be an important part of your employer brand and your wider recruitment strategy. A positive candidate experience can help improve your ability to attract and retain highly qualified candidates. Candidates are more likely to accept offers from employers who provide positive experiences. This can be key if you are competing for highly skilled candidates who may receive multiple offers. Candidates share their experiences with their networks. Good or bad. Positive experiences will encourage others to apply to you, making it easier for you to fill future roles. Even if candidates are successful, those with bad recruitment experiences are less likely to stay in their roles. Meaning extra time and resources spent on finding replacements.  5 Ways to Improve Candidate Experience Before you start to make improvements to your recruitment processes make sure you understand exactly what candidates experience right now. You can do this by mapping the candidate journey, step by step, from the moment they arrive at your job description to the point they receive an offer. Ask yourself how easy it was to apply? Did you encounter any challenges or frustrations? Are candidates kept informed throughout the process? Would you recommend your company to others based on your experience? Once you have the answers to these questions you can begin to: Simplify the Application ProcessSending in an application is the first contact most candidates will have with your company. Which means the process needs to be simple, quick, and user-friendly. Recent studies have found that up to 92% of online applications are never completed. Make sure your application portal or website is mobile friendly and ask for essential information only by removing any unnecessary fields. You might also consider adding a progress bar or tracker to help guide people through the process. The aim is to eliminate any frustration or confusion. By doing this you increase the number of completed applications and show that you respect candidates time and effort. Communicate Effectively Throughout Timely updates and clear information help applicants manage expectations, reduce anxiety, and feel respected, regardless of the outcome. You can achieve this by establishing clear communication channels and setting realistic timelines for each stage of the hiring process. Automated responses acknowledging receipt of applications and providing expected timelines for follow-ups create transparency and maintain engagement. You can manage this through email or through your ATS system. Finally giving constructive feedback, even in cases of rejection, helps candidates understand the decision-making process and maintain a positive relationship. Show Off Company Culture and ValuesProviding insights into your workplace culture gives candidates a sense of who you are and helps them determine if they’ll be a good fit. You can demonstrate your culture and values through your job descriptions, and on your company websites. But they should also be built into your communications and processes. You can get creative too. Use your job site and social media to host video office tours, interviews with current employees and showcase any learning and development programs you offer. Improve OnboardingThe final stage in a candidate’s journey should start from the moment a candidate accepts your offer. This means doing more than simply setting up payroll and directing them to the office.  A well-executed onboarding process helps success candidates transition into their new role, become productive members of your team and help them feel as though they belong. A positive introduction significantly impacts job satisfaction, retention rates, and overall employee performance. You can create a successful onboarding program that gives in-depth insights into company values and expectations by offering clear guidance on organisational processes, tools, and resources, creating clear timelines and goals, and assigning mentors or implementing buddy systems helps new hires integrate into the team. Gather and Implement FeedbackBy actively seeking input from candidates, you’ll gain valuable insights into the strengths and weaknesses of your hiring procedures and how candidates experience them. Asking for feedback once again shows you’re committed to transparency and accountability, and it gives you the opportunity to refine your hiring process for even better outcomes. Make sure that you take the time to review the feedback you gather and implement any suggestions or changes that come out of it. By putting candidates at the centre of your recruitment processes you’ll not only be able to attract top talent but also develop engaged, happy new hires who’ll want to commit to your organisation long term. As Thailand's leading Industrial, Logistic and Supply Chain recruitment agency, we can support your expansion into Thailand and Southeast Asia and help you hire experienced, technically proficient, English-speaking candidates. Learn more about JacksonGrant’s innovative service offering or get in touch to discuss your requirements.

Revolutionising Talent Acquisition: The Advantages of Recruitment-as-a-Service
Revolutionising Talent Acquisition: The Advantages of Recruitment-as-a-Service

Is your traditional recruitment model  failing to help you source the candidates and skills you need for success? Maybe the skills you are hiring for are changing - 53% of business leaders are expanding into new markets requiring new skills and expertise. Or perhaps, like 28% of Thai businesses, you are looking to expand your workforce this year?  Enter Recruitment-as-a-Service (RaaS), a transformative concept that offers a tailored solution to these challenges. JacksonGrant’s RaaS solution is an exclusive partnership that offers a holistic and comprehensive talent acquisition strategy, personalised to your unique needs.  Our Recruitment-as-a-Service solution provides our partners with a fully embedded talent solution that provides more efficient, cost-effective talent acquisition. In fact, our clients have saved 50%+ on existing recruitment support, reduced time-to-fill to less than 20 days and increased stick rates to over 85%. All while receiving strategic talent acquisition support and market mapping designed to build sustainable talent pools. What is Recruitment-as-a-Service? JacksonGrant’s Recruitment-as-a-Service model combines elements of Recruitment Process Outsourcing, Project Recruitment and Executive Search. This means we not only provide all the services outsourcing your recruitment would be expected to provide – sourcing and assessing applicants, managing the interview process, and communicating with successful candidates – but we use our expertise and tech stack to create a long-term recruitment strategy that supports your business into the future. You’ll also receive:   A dedicated account manager to provide strategic input  Access to a team of recruiters 100% focused on your requirements  Flexible KPIs based on your needs  Customisable commercial terms and fee structures Regular review meetings for feedback Data analytics pinpointing areas for improvement We always seek to integrate our industry insights, market know-how and best practice with analytics that make your hiring more efficient, cost-effective, and sustainable. Meaning you can always find the talent you need.  6 Advantages Recruitment-as-a-Service can bring to your business  Simply sourcing and attracting talent is only one benefit of RaaS. This innovative recruitment model can bring other advantages too, such as: 1.    Cost reductionWhen partnering with a RaaS provider, you benefit from a more efficient and streamlined hiring process. Dedicated recruiters work exclusively on your talent acquisition needs, ensuring a concentrated effort to find the best-fit candidates. This eliminates the need to engage multiple agencies or maintain an in-house recruitment team, both of which can be costly endeavours. As a result, RaaS not only minimises the expenses associated with various recruitment methods but also maximizes your return on investment by efficiently securing top talent. 2.    Time savingsWith exclusive focus on your talent acquisition needs, RaaS providers can quickly source, screen, and onboard candidates, effectively shortening the time-to-hire. This agility is especially valuable for filling critical roles promptly, ensuring that your organisation can adapt to changing market demands, capitalise on growth opportunities, and maintain optimal staffing levels. Ultimately, RaaS empowers your business with the efficiency needed to secure talent without unnecessary delays, make you more agile and competitive in your industry. 3.    ScalabilityWhether you find yourself in a growth phase, requiring rapid expansion of your workforce, or facing the need for downsizing due to market fluctuations, a RaaS partnership can seamlessly adapt to meet your evolving staffing needs. This adaptability is a game-changer, as it allows you to respond quickly to changing market conditions without the headache of reconfiguring your recruitment strategy or engaging in lengthy hiring processes. With RaaS, you can efficiently scale your recruitment efforts up or down as required, ensuring that your workforce remains agile and perfectly aligned with your business goals. 4.    Better quality of hireBecause RaaS providers meticulously tailor their candidate searches to align with the unique culture, values, and specific requirements of your business you receive a pool of candidates who not only possess the right technical skills but also exhibit a strong cultural fit, driving higher employee retention rates and overall job satisfaction. This personalised approach to recruitment alongside the screening processes used ensures that candidates are thoroughly vetted, leading to better-quality employees who will positively impact company performance and long-term success. 5.    Access to expertise Collaborating with a Recruitment as a Service (RaaS) provider opens the door to a wealth of recruitment expertise and cutting-edge technology. Seasoned recruiters with an in-depth understanding of your industry's unique talent landscape are more successful in identifying and attracting candidates who not only meet your technical requirements but also align seamlessly with your company culture. At JacksonGrant we are also able to leverage advanced recruitment technologies, from AI-driven applicant tracking systems to data analytics tools, to enhance the efficiency and precision of your hiring process. 6.    Focus on core competenciesEntrusting talent acquisition to RaaS expert allows your HR team to redirect their energy and time towards critical areas like employee development and retention. This strategic shift not only enhances the overall effectiveness of your organisation but also enables your business to concentrate on its core competencies, whether that's innovating products, improving customer service, or expanding into new markets. In doing so, you optimise your operational efficiency and achieve a competitive edge, as your dedicated RaaS partner handles your talent acquisition with precision. The benefits of reduced costs, time savings, scalability, specialised expertise, and enhanced quality of hire paint a compelling picture for businesses seeking to stay competitive in Thailand’s competitive talent acquisition market. As the demands for top-quality talent continue to grow, partnering with a dedicated RaaS provider can be a strategic game-changer. It not only streamlines the recruitment process but also empowers you to focus on your core strategic functions. To thrive in the ever-competitive marketplace, consider JacksonGrant as your trusted talent acquisition partner. Embrace the future of recruitment and unlock your organisation's potential for growth and success. As Thailand's leading engineering and technical recruitment agency, we can support your expansion into Thailand and Southeast Asia and help you hire experienced, technically proficient, English-speaking candidates. Learn more about JacksonGrant’s innovative service offering or get in touch to discuss your requirements

Building Lasting Partnerships: The Power of Exclusive Recruitment Solutions
Building Lasting Partnerships: The Power of Exclusive Recruitment Solutions

A competitive employment market in Thailand presents companies seeking to recruit engineering and technical talent with some formidable challenges. Demand still outstrips supply for technical, digital and English skills yet for 60% of Thai companies, their ability to attract and retain digital and technical talent will be crucial to their success. From identifying qualified candidates to navigating the complexities of cultural fit and efficient communication, the recruitment process can be a daunting undertaking. In this article, we’ll explore the advantages of exclusive recruitment solutions, highlighting how they address the unique needs of businesses in Thailand while emphasizing the value of collaboration and commitment in the quest for top-tier engineering and technical talent. What makes exclusive recruitment solutions different? Traditionally, when you experience a vacancy, you may engage multiple recruitment agencies and methods to source and present you with suitable candidates. This can be costly, and time consuming for you and require your HR department to be hands on managing agencies. And, since recruiters who work in traditional models get paid commission only when they successfully place a candidate they often have many clients, meaning their attention is spread thinly. With exclusive recruitment, you partner with a single specialised recruiter who undertakes to fulfil all your staffing needs. This means that the recruiter gains a deeper understanding of your requirements, your long-term goals, and your culture. With that understanding they can create tailored solutions that give quicker results and higher quality candidates. Particularly beneficial for businesses seeking hard to find skills in a competitive market. Unlike traditional recruitment approaches, exclusive recruitment allows you and your partner to develop a committed, collaborative, and mutually beneficial relationship. Signs your business may benefit from an exclusive recruitment partnership So how can you tell if exclusive recruitment is the right solution for your talent acquisition needs? There are lots of signs that an RPO partnership with JacksonGrant would benefit your business, including: You need to hire at volume You are looking for hard-to-find or specialist skills You have vacancies that are taking too long to fill You do not have internal recruitment experience Your teams are growing quickly You are moving into Thailand and SEA for the first time You are dissatisfied with the quality of resumes you are receiving for positions. You often feel the candidates presented have not been sufficiently qualified or briefed for the role If any of this sounds familiar, an exclusive recruitment partnership could be extremely beneficial for your business, helping you get the talent acquisition support you need. 3 Incredible benefits of exclusive recruitment partnerships with JacksonGrant  1.    Increased commitmentWhen both parties share a committed interest in the success of the recruitment process, there's a heightened sense of purpose and dedication towards finding the ideal candidates. And, when you work together in an exclusive partnership, your recruitment needs will receive the undivided, focused attention of a dedicated account manager who can provide overview and steer the team to success as well as liaise with senior client stakeholders for feedback and strategic inputs. This translates into a more thorough candidate search, a faster and more efficient hiring process, and ultimately, a higher likelihood of securing top talent that perfectly fits your organisation's requirements. 2.    Better candidate alignmentWorking exclusively with a recruiter offers a unique advantage in that it allows them to gain an in-depth understanding of your company culture and specific requirements. This deep insight into your values, work environment, and the nuance of your industry enables them to tailor the candidate search and selection process with precision. At JacksonGrant we build this alignment into a pre-defined service level agreement, meaning expectations are outlined from the outset for every recruitment process. By targeting candidates who not only possess the necessary technical skills but also align seamlessly with your company's culture, values, and long-term goals the recruiter can present candidates who are not just qualified on paper but are also a great cultural fit. his personalized approach to recruitment minimizes the risk of mismatches and increases the likelihood of long-term success and talent retention.  3.    Improved communicationA dedicated relationship provides you with access to regular updates and progress reports, keeping you informed at every step of the recruitment process. It also creates a direct channel for you to provide detailed feedback to the recruiter, allowing them to fine-tune and adjust their processes in real-time to better align with your company's evolving needs and preferences. At JacksonGrant we hold regular review meetings with all our clients. Harnessing data and analytics to give insights into the effectiveness of the partnership and highlight areas for development and optimisation. Beyond updates and feedback, exclusive partnerships offer the opportunity for recruiters to provide in-depth advice on various aspects of your talent acquisition strategy, including your employer branding, enhancing the candidate experience , and optimising your workforce management. This collaborative communication not only strengthens the recruitment process but also ensures that it's a well-informed, strategic, and mutually beneficial partnership from start to finish. Top tips for preparing for an exclusive recruitment partnership We hope that with this understanding you’re ready to begin an exclusive recruitment partnership! To prepare for a successful exclusive recruitment collaboration, you should consider a few key tips: Define your goals and expectations clearly, outlining your precise talent acquisition needs, culture, and long-term objectives. Doing so will make it easier to communicate these effectively to your recruitment partner.  Establish a transparent and open line of communication from the outset, encouraging regular updates, feedback, and discussions.  Be ready to collaborate closely with your chosen recruitment partner, providing them with all the necessary resources and information about your business that they need to excel in their search for top talent.  Maintain flexibility and trust in the partnership. Allow your dedicated recruiter to leverage their expertise while remaining open to their guidance and insights.  A pre-defined service level agreement, meaning expectations are outlined from the outset for every recruitment process. Dedicated Account manager who can provide overview and steer the team to success as well as liaise with senior client stakeholders for feedback and strategic inputs. Regular review meetings - harnessing data and analytics to give insights into the effectiveness of the partnership and highlight areas for development and optimisation. This proactive and cooperative approach sets the stage for a fruitful and mutually beneficial exclusive recruitment collaboration. If you are looking to secure engineering and technical talent crucial to your success, we encourage you to explore exclusive partnerships with JacksonGrant. Our commitment to excellence and tailored approach can be the catalyst for your organisation's growth, ensuring you not only find the right talent but also foster long-lasting, mutually beneficial relationships.  As Thailand's leading technical recruitment agency, we can support your expansion into Thailand and Southeast Asia and help you hire experienced, technically proficient, English-speaking candidates. Learn more about JacksonGrant’s innovative service offering or get in touch to discuss your requirements

How Thailand's Aging Workforce is Redefining Recruitment
How Thailand's Aging Workforce is Redefining Recruitment

Like many countries around the globe, Thailand’s population is aging, fast. But what does that mean for your business and your hiring strategy? By 2060 the World Bank predicts that Thailand’s working-age population will have declined by around 30%, making it harder for businesses to attract and retain young talent with the skills they need for sustainable, long-term growth. Businesses need to act now, to put in place strategies that will help them combat the effects of Thailand’s aging workforce and ensure they have a strong talent pipeline to see them into the future. The Demographic Challenge It is estimated that by 2029 Thailand will join Japan, Singapore and Germany as one of the worlds “super-aged” societies. Defined by the UN as a country where over 21% of its population is over the age of 65, a “super-aged” society is the result of medical advances and access to better healthcare combined with declining birthrates.  Thailand’s labour force is still relatively young. The total working age population (those aged 15 or over) is around 58.65 million people. However, as the population overall ages out of the labour market, if businesses fail to replace them the economy will struggle. Why Is the Aging Workforce a Problem? An aging population can be beneficial for businesses. It opens up new opportunities for products and services to meet the needs of this new demographic and new markets for investment. But a decrease in the number of available workers causes problems, such as: Declining graduate rates and skill gaps Increasing competition for top-level candidates Reduced productivity and workforce efficiency Increasing labour costs Strategies for Addressing an Aging Workforce Businesses seeking to take proactive steps to bridge the potential talent gaps caused by an aging workforce should consider the following: 1.    Rethinking Recruitment StrategiesIn the face of an aging workforce, rethinking your approaches to recruitment can help navigate the challenges effectively. Investing in skill development and training programs that use the skills and institutional knowledge of your senior staff can ensure your workforce has the skills you need to fill talent gaps internally and working with educational institutions can ensure graduates possess in demand skills for your industry. Diversifying your recruitment channels is also essential. Collaborating with a specialised recruiter like Jackson Grant can help you go beyond traditional recruitment methods and expand your reach to a wider pool of candidates both locally and internationally, including seasoned professionals looking for new opportunities.  2.    Retaining and Using Older WorkersRecognising and valuing the wealth of experience held by older employees is important. Businesses need to shift attitudes and norms around retirement to allow older employees to continue to contribute their valuable knowledge and experience. Flexible work arrangements and phased retirement programmes alongside knowledge transfer and mentorship schemes can keep older workers productive for longer and creates a platform for them to exchange skills and insights with younger workers. This can be beneficial in both directions as younger staff can encourage digital skills in the older generation reaffirming their importance in the organisation.  This intergenerational collaboration not only enhances productivity but also nurtures a culture of mutual respect, reducing age-related biases and stereotypes. 3.    Embracing Technology and AutomationIt’s clear that automation and technology will continue to reduce the need for large workforces by increasing productivity, efficiency and automating repetitive tasks allowing businesses to focus their human resources on more strategic and creative areas. However, technology and automation offer other solutions for dealing with an aging workforce. Technology can facilitate upskilling initiatives through online learning platforms, virtual training modules, and interactive tutorials to enable the existing workforce, including older employees, to adapt to technological advancements at their own pace. And, integrating technology and AI-driven tools can revolutionise the recruitment process, not only saving time but also ensuring more precise matches between job requirements and applicant skills. Significantly improving your ability to find and hire the right talent quickly, essential in a competitive job market. 4.     Engaging with New Talent PoolsOne of the most effective and immediate solutions for businesses struggling with an aging workforce is to explore new pools of talent to diversify their talent base. There are a variety of avenues to explore, including collaborating with local communities and engaging grassroots organisations and educational institutions to discover hidden talent pools overlooked in traditional recruitment processes. Businesses should also be participating in government initiatives aimed at upskilling workers and advocating for national and international policies that support a diverse and skilled workforce.  Increased female participation in the workforce is another vital step to reducing the negative effects of an aging workforce. Just 46% of Thailand’s workforce is female and only 15% of those are in a leadership position. Businesses should also be making themselves attractive to international applicants by offering competitive benefits. The coming demographic shift, marked by a shrinking pool of skilled workers, demands strategic foresight and proactive measures. By recognising the urgency of the situation and adopting innovative strategies, such as investing in skill development, embracing technology, and tapping into diverse talent pools, your business can navigate the impending talent gap caused by Thailand’s aging workforce.   Embracing initiatives to address an aging workforce shouldn’t merely be a response to a challenge; it's an investment in the future resilience and sustainability of your businesses. The time to act is now, paving the way for a workforce that is skilled, diverse, and well-prepared for the challenges and opportunities of the future. Looking For Recruitment Support In Thailand? As Thailand's leading engineering and technical recruitment agency, we can support your business. Whether you are a local organisation or are looking to expand your operations into Thailand and Southeast Asia and help you hire experienced, technically proficient, English-speaking candidates. Learn more about JacksonGrant’s innovative service offering or get in touch to discuss your requirements.

Establishing a Thriving Manufacturing Hub in Thailand: Strategies for Success
Establishing a Thriving Manufacturing Hub in Thailand: Strategies for Success

The allure of Thailand and Southeast Asia (SEA) for manufacturing businesses right now is undeniable. Nestled in the heart of a dynamic and rapidly growing global economy, the region has emerged as a hub for international companies seeking to expand their operations. Boasting a strategic location, abundant natural resources, and a burgeoning consumer market, Thailand and SEA offers a wealth of opportunities to manufacturers across a wide variety of industries. Not least because of attractive government incentives designed to entice manufacturers to the region. From electric vehicles to vaccines, baked goods to computer chips, Thailand is an attractive location for manufacturing and production. However, there are challenges that multinational companies in Thailand must navigate if they want to be successful. From local regulations and diverse cultural nuances to talent acquisition hurdles and supply chain intricacies, these challenges can appear daunting. 3 Challenges for businesses setting up operations in Thailand First, let’s look at three of the most common challenges facing businesses looking to establish manufacturing operations in the region: Cultural and regulatory differences Understanding local regulations can be time-consuming and frustrating for international businesses setting up in Thailand. Effective communication and local expertise are essential. There are also cultural differences when it comes to doing business which need to be accounted for. Recognising and valuing cultural differences not only strengthens relationships with clients, partners, and stakeholders it makes employee engagement and retention more successful. Crucial if you are looking for hard to find skills and experience. Talent acquisition and retention Speaking of recruitment and talent retention, the current talent landscape in Thailand and SEA is extremely competitive, particularly for candidates with technical qualifications, digital skills, and English language abilities. It’s important for international businesses moving into the market to really think about their strategies for attracting and retaining local talent. Supply chain complexities An efficient supply chain is the lifeblood of any successful business, particularly when setting up operations in Thailand. Managing logistics and distribution challenges is crucial, as it directly impacts cost-effectiveness, customer satisfaction, and overall competitiveness. A local supply chain offers reduced lead times, better control over quality, and easier access to local resources. Thailand also has access to a global supply chain that can help you leverage cost savings from economies of scale and diversify risk across multiple markets. The choice between the two depends on, market demands, and the long-term strategic goals of your business. Practical strategies for building a manufacturing business in Thailand With a wealth of industry expertise, JacksonGrant is uniquely positioned to guide your business through setting up a business in Thailand and SEA. With JacksonGrant's help you can transform these challenges into opportunities for success through practical strategies that support: Branding and localisation Building a strong local brand presence goes beyond marketing; it also profoundly influences your recruitment strategy. When a business is well-regarded and recognised within the local community, it signals trust and stability, making it more appealing to potential employees. A strong local brand presence can help in attracting talent that identifies with your company's values and mission. This alignment of brand and culture fosters better employee engagement and retention, and long-term success in the region. Collaboration with local partners Jackson Grant’s deep understanding of local markets and trends provides our partners with a competitive edge. This insight helps you tailor your talent attraction strategies to align with local preferences and identify emerging trends that can inform business decisions. Our established regional networks may even open doors to other strategic partnerships that can support your continued growth and success in the Thai market. Understanding local government and regulations A comprehensive understanding of employment laws and regulations in Thailand ensures your business remains compliant. With our insight into local labour practices and law you can enable make informed decisions concerning hiring, contracts, and employee management, ensuring smooth operations and long-term sustainability. Talent Management Our deep knowledge of the local talent market ensures that you are not only able to find the right candidates but also nurture their growth and potential. Through long-term, forward-thinking talent management strategies, we help you establish training programs, career development paths, and performance evaluation systems that foster employee engagement and retention. This commitment to talent development translates into a workforce that is not only skilled now but drives business success no matter what the future holds. JacksonGrant: Your strategic partner in Thailand Setting up manufacturing operations in Thailand and Southeast Asia presents businesses with an array of challenges. However, with JacksonGrant as your trusted partner, these challenges become opportunities for growth and success. By tapping into our industry expertise, local insights, and tailored solutions, your business can thrive in this dynamic region with confidence! As Thailand's leading technical recruitment agency, we can support your expansion into Thailand and Southeast Asia and help you hire experienced, technically proficient, English-speaking candidates. Learn more about JacksonGrant’s innovative service offering or get in touch to discuss your requirements

Crafting an Irresistible EVP: Attracting Top Talent in Manufacturing & Logistics
Crafting an Irresistible EVP: Attracting Top Talent in Manufacturing & Logistics

Thailand's manufacturing and logistics industries are promising areas for investment, despite a slowing economy. Global firms manufacturing products from cars to electronics, and even biotechnology, have Thailand on their radar as they seek to diversify their supply networks, thanks to its infrastructure, location and relatively low costs. This increasing competition for talent has meant that businesses need to find new ways to set themselves apart to secure the best candidates. This is where a well-crafted Employee Value Proposition (EVP) can come in. By creating an EVP that appeals to manufacturing and logistics candidates you can make your business more attractive to top talent, helping you secure the skills you need for growth. What is an EVP and why is it important Your Employee Value Proposition (EVP) is the unique set of attributes, benefits, and values you’re your organisation offers to its employees in exchange for their skills, contributions, and commitment. It covers everything from compensation and benefits to career development opportunities, company culture, and work-life balance. In competitive industries like manufacturing and logistics, a tailored EVP distinguishes your company from others, making it more appealing to potential candidates but a well thought out EVP has many other benefits, including: •    Attracting hard to find skillsBy meeting the specific motivations and aspirations employees in manufacturing and logistics you can attract individuals with the skills and expertise you need.  •    Improved retention and engagement When employees feel that their values align with the company's, they are more likely to stay committed and engaged. •    Cost savingsA strong EVP can reduce recruitment costs as you'll be able to retain employees for longer periods, reducing the need for constant hiring and training. •    Enhanced company cultureAn EVP is part of your workplace culture. Crafting an EVP that aligns with the values and aspirations of your workforce, leads to a more harmonious and productive work environment. •    Improved performanceEmployees who resonate with the company's EVP are likely to be more motivated and productive, contributing positively to the company's overall performance. Creating a compelling EVP that resonates When thinking about creating your EVP you should consider the following: 1.    Understanding your company and your competitorsUnderstanding your own company and competitors is the first step in crafting an effective EVP. Identifying your unique selling points (USPs) helps you pinpoint what makes your company stand out. By recognising these strengths, you can use them in your EVP to attract top talent. Conducting a competitive analysis of competitors' EVPs allows you to identify gaps where your company can offer something unique that competitors don't, and it helps you seize opportunities to enhance your EVP.  2.    Understanding candidate motivationsTo achieve an EVP that resonates with manufacturing and logistic professionals you should start by profiling candidates to discern their career aspirations and goals. This insight enables you to build an EVP that aligns with what potential employees are seeking, whether it's career advancement, skill development, or a specific work environment.  Alongside candidate goals you should consider external factors shaping candidate choices. Factors like economic conditions, in-demand skills, and interest from multinational corporations can significantly influence job seekers. By including responses to both you can create an EVP that not only addresses individual desires but that reflects the broader industry landscape, making it more appealing and relevant to potential hires. 3.    What makes a “good” EVPClear and authentic messaging is crucial for a compelling EVP. It fosters trust through honesty and transparency showing candidates what they can truly expect when working with you. Making sure your company culture matches your EVP ensures that it's not just words on paper, but a genuine reflection of your workplace, enhancing its appeal and impact. Benefits to consider include:  o    Competitive salary and benefits packageso    Unique perks relevant to the industryo    Opportunities for growth and advancemento    Training and skill development programso    Flexible scheduling and remote work optionso    Employee wellness initiatives Choose those that best match your culture and candidate needs.  4.    Communicating your EVPThere are many ways to communicate your EVP to candidates. Digital channels like your website and social media allow you to reach a broad audience, particularly tech-savvy candidates. Engaging with candidates on professional networks such as LinkedIn provides a platform for more targeted interactions within specific industries. And, by encouraging current employees to share their experiences on various platforms you can convey authenticity and relatability to potential hires.  Involving employees in the EVP promotion process gives them a sense of ownership and enthusiasm, reinforcing the message organically within the company and making it more compelling for external audiences. This approach can help improve your recruitment and your retention.  o    Measuring the Impact of Your EVPMeasuring the impact of your EVP is an important step. There are several metrics you can track such as: o    Application rates and candidate quality - these metrics assess how effectively your EVP is attracting potential hires and whether they align with your desired standards o    Employee retention rates - tracking this allows you to evaluate whether your EVP not only attracts but also retains talent o    Feedback from candidates - offers valuable insights into how well your EVP resonates with them and where improvements are needed.  By making enhancements based on this information, you can fine-tune your EVP, ensuring it continues to meet the evolving needs of both your organization and prospective employees, ultimately improving your recruitment efforts. Developing your Employee Value Proposition (EVP) for not only makes it easier to attract top manufacturing and logistics talent, but enhances retention, reducing recruitment costs. This tailored approach fosters a culture that resonates with employees, positively impacting performance, and overall business success. Ultimately, it positions your business as an employer of choice in these competitive markets.   As Thailand's leading engineering and technical recruitment agency, we can support your expansion into Thailand and Southeast Asia and help you hire experienced, technically proficient, English-speaking candidates. Learn more about JacksonGrant’s innovative service offering or get in touch to discuss your requirements

Navigating Talent Acquisition Challenges in the Manufacturing and Supply Chain Industry
Navigating Talent Acquisition Challenges in the Manufacturing and Supply Chain Industry

Thailand and the Asia-Pacific Region occupy an increasingly strategic position in the global manufacturing and supply chain industries. With big names such as Apple and HP looking to diversify their supply chains and shift production to Thailand, and other industries like EV automotive manufacturing making big investments in the region the country is poised to take centre stage. But Thailand’s emerging importance in the manufacturing and global supply chain industries and growth potential is not without its challenges. Particularly in the face of a looming economic slowdown.  3 talent acquisition challenges in the manufacturing and supply chain industries At Jackson Grant, our experts are keeping a keen eye on the evolving landscape of talent acquisition in the manufacturing and supply chain industries across Thailand and the broader Asia-Pacific region. Companies face an array of unique challenges, the most pressing being: 1.    The need for specialised skillsCutting-edge technologies such as additive manufacturing, machine learning and the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) are changing the face of manufacturing and supply chain industries. These innovations require a workforce equipped with specialised skills, ranging from 3D printing expertise to data analytics and AI-driven supply chain optimisation. Other skills are also in high demand. As multinational companies establish themselves in Thailand and the broader Asia-Pacific region, the demand for candidates with strong English skills has soared.  However, sourcing and attracting candidates with these highly sought-after skills poses a challenge. Both the manufacturing and supply chain industries are experiencing a skills gap. Where demand for candidates with the right skill sets far outstrips supply. Governments and businesses need to find innovative solutions to this problem including upskilling, global talent sourcing and developing a sustainable talent pipeline. 2.    The Battle for Top TalentThe scarcity of key skills has led to intense competition between businesses for top talent in the industry. In this highly competitive landscape, attracting and retaining skilled professionals has become a formidable challenge. Companies that struggle to secure the best talent face a range of consequences. First and foremost, they may experience a lack of innovation and poor growth. Secondly as competitors offer higher salaries to tempt employees away, the costs of employee turnover can be staggering. Both in terms of recruitment expenses and the loss of institutional knowledge. Finally, a workforce that lacks the necessary skills can lead to inefficiencies, errors, and missed opportunities, affecting the bottom line, and jeopardising long-term success.  3.    Navigating Market TrendsRecent market trends have the power to affect talent acquisition in the manufacturing and supply chain industry significantly. As we’ve seen the adoption of new technologies has accelerated the demand for talent with expertise in these areas. Sustainability concerns have also shifted the landscape, with businesses looking for candidates with knowledge of supply chain transparency, and green logistics.  Most importantly recent global trade dynamics, particularly the ongoing economic slowdown and threat of recession have caused businesses to be more strategic about workforce planning and retention and to look for ways to make their recruitment more cost-effective and efficient. It has also caused candidates to be more careful in their decisions to move roles adding to the ongoing talent shortage.  How our expertise can help your business overcome today’s talent acquisition challenges At Jackson Grant our leadership team has decades of experience of the labour market in Thailand as well extensive industry specific knowledge that makes us the leading recruiter for the manufacturing and technological industries in the region.  We help businesses across the manufacturing and supply chain sectors, like yours, overcome talent acquisition challenges through: 1.    A deep understanding of the local and regional job marketsThis insight empowers your business to compete more effectively for talent by identifying and capitalising on unique regional strengths and weaknesses. With this knowledge we help you adapt your recruitment strategies in real-time, staying agile and responsive to market changes, local trends, salary expectations, and emerging skill requirements. Allowing you to source, attract and retain the key talent you need to drive innovation and growth.  2.    Tailored recruitment solutions Aligning talent acquisition with your business goals is paramount for sustainable success. By closely collaborating with your businesses, we ensure that every hire contributes directly to your growth and strategic vision. Our approach tailor’s recruitment strategies to meet your unique objectives. It integrates all aspects of the recruitment process, from sourcing to onboarding, optimising hiring lead-times, and enhancing efficiency. This not only accelerates time-to-fill but also significantly reduces costs associated with prolonged vacancies and high turnover rates.  3.    Building partnerships for long-term successBuilding an enduring relationship with your RPO (Recruitment Process Outsourcing) partners is important in overcoming talent acquisition challenges. Long-term partnerships help us develop a profound understanding of your company's culture, values, and evolving talent needs. This enables us to provide more targeted and effective recruitment solutions, reducing time-to-hire and enhancing candidate quality. The ongoing relationship helps with proactive workforce planning, allowing you to stay ahead of industry shifts and market trends.  As Thailand's leading manufacturing and supply chain recruitment agency, we can support your expansion into Thailand and Southeast Asia and help you hire experienced, technically proficient, English-speaking candidates. Learn more about JacksonGrant’s innovative service offering or get in touch to discuss your requirements.

JacksonGrant Embarks On New Talent Acquisition Partnership With East-West Seed
JacksonGrant Embarks On New Talent Acquisition Partnership With East-West Seed

Thailand's leading technical recruitment agency announces new Recruitment as a Service project with Southeast Asia's No.1 tropical vegetable seed company. JacksonGrant is truly delighted to announce a new project partnership with East West Seed International , one of the most trusted tropical vegetable seed companies in the world with international headquarters based in Thailand. Since 1982 East-West Seed has been on a mission to provide seeds and services that improve the lives of farmers and promote sustainable farming and business practices globally. Founded by Simon N. Groot the winner of the 2019 World Food Prize, known as the ‘Nobel Prize for Food’, the work of East-West Seed has invigorated the tropical seed industry in Southeast Asia and beyond. Through its support of smallholder farmers and the development of both rural and urban markets for vegetable crops, East-West Seed made nutritious vegetables more affordable and transformed the lives of 20 million farmers every year. Our innovative Recruitment as a Service model (RaaS) takes the best elements of RPO and combines it with the essentials from other recruitment models, such as Project Recruitment and Executive Search. Giving our partners, like East-West Seed, access to a fully integrated, sustainable, and holistic talent acquisition solution which can be customised to suit the unique needs of any business. JacksonGrant’s RaaS model offers exceptional benefits for businesses looking to attract high-quality talent quickly and effectively including: Lower hiring costs Tap into our RaaS knowledge and expertise to reduce the time and resources you spend sourcing, screening, and assessing candidates. And because we recommend the most effective recruitment channels for your needs you can significantly reduce your advertising and sourcing costs. Better quality of hires A customised recruitment strategy designed around a deeper insight into your company requirements, values, and culture ensures that only candidates who are the best fit, not just an experience match are presented for consideration. Optimised recruitment processes Throughout your RaaS partnership, our expert consultants are continuously working to refine and improve your recruitment efforts and achieve better hiring outcomes for your business. The market doesn’t stand still, and neither do we. Access to reporting and analytics tools Better reporting and analytics tools ensure you always have access to key information, such as time-to-fill, cost-per-hire, and quality-of-hire. Meaning the decisions you take about your talent acquisition and recruitment will be driven by data, not intuition. Ability to scale to your needs RaaS is endlessly flexible. We scale and adapt easily to meet your recruitment needs, respond to changes in demand or improve your access to specialised expertise meaning you are only ever paying for the support you really need. Unlike other RPO recruitment agencies, JacksonGrant's unique RaaS model helps you integrate all aspects of your recruitment process. Resulting in high rates of candidate engagement, optimised lead times and long-lasting placements. But more importantly, reducing the time lost to repetitive administrative processes. Giving your HR teams back their valuable time to focus on strategic value-add activities, while keeping your recruitment costs low. About JacksonGrant JacksonGrant is Thailand’s leading recruitment specialist with extensive experience in supporting companies and candidates in Thailand's booming manufacturing and supply chain sectors. Whether you are a local business looking to engage skilled candidates or an international business expanding into the Thai market, we can find high-quality candidates who are knowledgeable in international and local engineering, supply chain, manufacturing, infrastructure, life sciences and the digital & technology industries. For more information or to arrange an interview with a spokesperson from JacksonGrant, please contact us via :  

How can you increase your talent retention?
How can you increase your talent retention?

Thai companies have been grappling with significant challenges in retaining their top talent. Amidst the rapid advancements in new technologies and the transition towards Industry 4.0, employers are facing a mounting struggle to keep skilled professionals engaged and committed to their organisations. Talent shortages across various industries further compounds the issue, as skilled professionals are in high demand and new opportunities to grow and develop that offer better benefits could tempt them to move roles. In fact, one study predicts up to 90% of Thai workers could be looking to change roles in the next 6 months. As the business landscape evolves, knowing how to implement innovative retention strategies and make new technologies work for you in this space is essential for business leaders seeking to secure your workforce's loyalty and maintain a competitive edge. Why talent retention is so important Talent retention is not only a fundamental part of creating positive work culture that keeps employees satisfied but also a critical driver of organisational success and long-term growth. By prioritising the retention of top-performing employees, you take actions that create a stable and engaged workforce, who are more productive, innovative, and efficient. Strong talent retention also plays an important role in building a sustainable talent pipeline, positively influencing your wider recruitment efforts.  •    Reduce recruitment costs•    Maintain knowledge base•    Increase productivity•    Improve team cohesion•    Create more engaged, happier workforce•    Improve your overall employer brand 7 talent retention strategies that get results To improve retention rates and foster employee loyalty in your workplace, you can implement the following strategies into your wider people management processes: 1.    Offer Competitive Compensation and BenefitsEnsure that your employees are paid competitively and receive attractive benefits packages. Salary isn't the only factor, but it's a significant one. Conduct regular market research to stay updated on industry salary standards and adjust your compensation packages accordingly. Providing perks like health insurance, retirement plans, paid time off, and professional development opportunities can set you apart but one way to enhance their impact is to ensure that you are providing benefits that your workforce really wants. Make sure you ask your current and potential employees what perks they consider to be most attractive. 2.    Create a Positive Work EnvironmentBuilding a positive environment is a process. But when done well it keeps employees satisfied and loyal. You can take steps to build a supportive and positive culture by encouraging open communication, collaboration, recognising employee efforts, and promoting work-life balance. Clearly communicate the company's mission, vision, and values, and ensure that they are reflected in everyday practices and decision-making. When employee’s see leadership taking steps to build a better culture, they feel able to do so as well, and feel more valued as a result.  3.    Career Growth and DevelopmentEmployees are more likely to stay with a company if they see a clear path for career growth and development. Provide training programs, mentorship opportunities, and support for professional certifications. Regularly discuss career goals with your employees and offer them a chance to take on new challenges and responsibilities within the organisation. 4.    Promote Work-Life BalanceBurnout is a leading cause of employee turnover. A recent survey by Mahidol University found that 57% of workers in Thailand are at risk of burnout. Stressed workers are likely to look for roles that offer better balance or start ‘quiet quitting,’ which can negatively affect productivity. Encourage a healthy work-life balance by setting reasonable work hours, offering flexible schedules, and providing resources for stress management and wellness programs. Show genuine concern for employees' well-being and mental health. 5.    Recognise and Reward PerformanceAcknowledge and reward exceptional performance. Recognition can be in the form of verbal praise, awards, bonuses, or even promotions. When employees feel valued and appreciated for their hard work, they are more likely to stay committed to the organisation. 6.    Regular Feedback and Employee SurveysCreate opportunities for open feedback and two-way communication between management and employees. Conduct regular employee surveys to understand their concerns, needs, and suggestions. Use the feedback to make improvements and show your employees that their opinions are valued. 7.    Using new technologiesTechnology can support talent retention in several ways. Data-driven insights produced through workforce and recruitment analytics  can identify patterns and risks so you can address retention challenges proactively. E-learning platforms and digital tools can support learning and career development and employee engagement platforms can help make feedback and recognition straightforward. You can even use technology like wellness apps to promote employee well-being and work-life balance, reducing burnout. Technology-driven strategies create a more engaging work environment, leading to better talent retention outcomes. How an RPO partner can help improve your talent retention Recruitment is just one aspect of attracting and retaining skilled professionals and building a talent pool that will support your organisation’s long-term growth and success. An RPO partner like JacksonGrant can offer comprehensive solutions to help you address the challenges of talent retention.  Using our expertise in recruitment process outsourcing, we streamline the hiring process, identify new talent pools, and assist you in implementing tailored retention strategies and data-driven insights, designed for your business. By partnering with JacksonGrant, your company can strengthen its employer brand, enhance employee engagement, and position itself as an employer of choice, fostering a sustainable talent pipeline for future success. As Thailand's leading engineering and technical recruitment agency, we can support your expansion into Thailand and Southeast Asia and help you hire experienced, technically proficient, English-speaking candidates. Learn more about JacksonGrant’s innovative service offering or get in touch to discuss your requirements.

How can you use workforce analytics to improve your recruiting?
How can you use workforce analytics to improve your recruiting?

Effective recruitment lies at the heart of driving business success, as the ability to attract and retain top talent directly impacts an organization's growth and competitiveness. In the dynamic landscape of the Asia-Pacific region, where businesses operate in diverse markets and compete for a limited pool of skilled professionals, the role of workforce analytics in transforming recruitment processes has never been more critical.  By leveraging specific metrics, such as time-to-fill, cost-per-hire, and quality of hire, HR professionals and business leaders can gain valuable insights to improve attraction strategies, enhance retention efforts, optimise cost management, and ultimately achieve better recruiting outcomes. Explore the transformative power of workforce analytics and learn how data-driven approaches can unlock the full potential of your recruitment below. Understanding workforce analytics and recruitment metrics Recruitment metrics are specific data points that measure the effectiveness and efficiency of the hiring process. These metrics can be used in many ways to improve your recruitment processes and help you make better hiring decisions. Key recruitment metrics that can be analysed include: •    Time-to-FillMeasures the overall efficiency of the hiring process helping you to minimise potential revenue loss due to prolonged vacancies. •    Cost-Per-HireProvides insight into the cost of acquiring new talent giving you greater control over your recruitment budget. •    Quality of HireAssesses the overall impact and performance of newly hired employees, showing how good your hiring process is at securing candidates with the right skills who also align with your culture, values, and goals. •    Applicant Sources and Channel EffectivenessProvides crucial data on the origin of candidates and the performance of different sourcing channels.  •    Candidate ExperienceGauges the overall satisfaction and impression candidates have of the hiring process, directly influencing employer branding and reputation. 5 ways workforce analytics can improve your recruitment Workforce analytics works by taking those metrics and using the data provided to give you insights into how well your recruitment process works. Those insights can then be used to help you improve and streamline your hiring by: 1.    Identifying effective sourcing channelsBy analysing historical data, you can determine which platforms or channels have yielded the highest-quality candidates and optimal conversion rates in the past. This data-driven approach enables you to allocate your resources more efficiently and invest in channels that produce the best results.  Workforce analytics can also help make your sourcing more effective. Allowing you to create targeted job advertisements tailored to specific candidate preferences and characteristics, resulting in improved attraction and engagement.  2.    Measuring candidate engagement Through data-driven tools and metrics, you can easily track candidates' interactions with your recruitment process, including website visits, application progress, and response times. These insights enable you to identify bottlenecks and points of friction, streamlining the candidate journey for a more seamless experience.  Analytics can even help gauge candidates' sentiment and feedback, providing valuable information to enhance communication and responsiveness. By using workforce analytics in this way, you can foster stronger candidate engagement and build a positive employer brand that appeals to top talent. 3.    Lowering recruitment costsIn today’s climate getting the most from your resources is paramount. You can use workforce analysis to focus your efforts on channels that yield the best results, reducing unnecessary expenses. Reducing time-to-fill is another key aspect of reducing costs, as prolonged vacancies increase cost-per-hire.  Analytics help pinpoint bottlenecks and streamline the hiring process, reducing time-to-fill and associated expenses. Finally, using data insights to optimise your recruitment budget allows for smarter allocation of funds. Maximizing the impact of every recruiting dollar spent. Leveraging workforce analytics in these ways helps you achieve significant cost savings while maintaining the quality of your hiring efforts. 4.    Improving retentionYou can use workforce analytics to go beyond simply identifying the factors that influence.  turnover such as low engagement, inadequate career growth opportunities, or issues with management. Analysis of those metrics allow you to take targeted actions to address these specific pain points proactively. But they also allow you to forecast potential retention risks among employees. Armed with this information you can take preventative measures, such as implementing targeted retention initiatives, offering competitive compensation packages, and creating a positive work environment to reduce the likelihood of losing valuable talent. Used properly workforce analytics can also be used to implement personalised employee development plans. By analysing individual performance data, skill sets, and career aspirations, you can create tailored growth opportunities for your employees. This data-driven approach not only fosters job satisfaction but also aligns employees' personal and professional goals with the organization's objectives. Making employees feel valued and encouraging talent to stick with you, long-term. 5.    Driving better recruitment outcomesAnalytics can significantly enhance recruitment outcomes and result in better hires. To achieve this, businesses must align recruitment metrics with their organisational goals, ensuring that the hiring process focuses on specific skills and qualities that drive success within the company.  Data can also play a critical role in making informed decisions during recruitment. By analysing candidate information, performance data, and historical hiring trends, you can identify the most suitable candidates and assess their potential for long-term success.  Overcoming challenges to adopting workforce analytics Successfully implementing a data-driven approach to recruitment can be challenging, especially if you haven’t invested in workforce analytics before. Some common barriers to implementing workforce analytics in recruitment include: •    Data AccessibilityDifficulty in accessing and aggregating relevant workforce data from disparate sources can hinder the analysis process. •    Lack of Skills and ExpertiseHR professionals may lack the necessary data analysis skills to effectively interpret and use the data. •    Resistance to ChangeExisting recruitment practices and traditional mindsets may resist adopting data-driven approaches. However, a recruitment partner like JacksonGrant can help you navigate these challenges by providing expertise in data analytics, HR technology, and tailored strategies to optimise your recruitment processes such as: •    Providing training and upskilling opportunities to HR teams in data analysis and interpretation. •    Gaining support from top management to encourage a data-driven culture and investment in analytics. •    Investing in advanced HR technology and analytics tools to streamline data processing and analysis. 70% of businesses are already investing in workforce analytics for HR and recruitment. With our assistance, you too can harness power of workforce analytics to make better hiring decisions and achieve recruitment success. As Thailand's leading engineering and technical recruitment agency, we can support your expansion into Thailand and Southeast Asia and help you hire experienced, technically proficient, English-speaking candidates. Learn more about JacksonGrant’s innovative service offering or get in touch to discuss your requirements.

The Benefits of Networking
The Benefits of Networking

Recently I have been able to attend more networking events. Building a professional network can significantly improve your career prospects, so I thought it might be a good time to share these eight benefits of networking:  Confidence It is human nature to question whether a new person will like me; it’s natural to feel awkward when meeting someone for the first time, or to struggle a bit trying to break the ice. But the reality is that these apprehensions exist mainly in your mind. The more you meet new people and strike up conversations in social settings, the more your confidence will increase. Over time this confidence will grow, enhancing different areas of your life. You’ll be more confident at work, and feel more comfortable meeting new people. Opportunities Networking gives us the opportunity to significantly expand your circle of contacts. It can open up opportunities that would not be possible by cold-calling or sending emails to the same people. At networking events you get to meet professionals in a more informal setting (and the occasional formal setting). If you click socially, it can directly lead to business opportunities. Or even better, you might make a new lifelong friend! Knowledge and Insights For me networking provides a huge learning opportunity. A lot of the news that we read and consume comes from social media or abridged articles on the internet. When you network it gives you the opportunity to connect with individuals from diverse backgrounds and industries. Engaging in conversations and sharing ideas can provide valuable insights, industry trends, and knowledge exchange. You can learn from the firsthand experiences of others, gain new perspectives, and stay updated on the latest market developments. Career Advancement  Building a strong professional network can greatly enhance your career prospects. Networking enables you to establish connections with influential people who can offer guidance, referrals, or even job opportunities. Through networking events, industry conferences, or online platforms, you can meet potential employers, recruiters, and experts in your field. I should state that it is a mistake in networking to sell yourself before you know if the person you have connected with is interested in what you’re offering – it’s important to ‘read the room;’ otherwise, your well-intentioned approach could come across as annoying.   Personal Development Networking isn't just about professional growth – it can also contribute to your personal development. By interacting with a diverse range of individuals, you can improve your communication, interpersonal, and relationship-building skills. Networking often involves stepping out of your comfort zone, which helps build confidence and adaptability. Access to a larger business community Through networking, you gain access to a wide range of people. Your network can provide information, advice, recommendations, or connections to valuable resources such as funding, suppliers, service providers, or specialised knowledge. Having a diverse network ensures you have a pool of resources readily available when needed. Reputation and Visibility Networking helps you establish and enhance your professional reputation. By actively participating and contributing to your field or industry, you can gain visibility and recognition. This can lead to increased opportunities, invitations to speak at conferences, or being sought after for collaborations and partnerships. It’s a great way to ‘build your brand.’  Long-Term Relationships Building meaningful connections through networking often results in long-term relationships. These relationships can extend beyond professional interactions and become friendships or mentorships. Maintaining and nurturing these relationships can lead to ongoing support, guidance, and mutual growth. I often have to remind myself that networking is a continuous process that requires effort, active participation, and genuine interest in building relationships. The benefits may not be immediate, but they can have a lasting impact on your personal and professional life. Prioritise it, stick with it, and reap the rewards! If you’re interested to attend professional networking events in Thailand, here are some good resources: The American Chamber of Commerce in Thailand (AMCHAM) : Event The British Chamber of Commerce Thailand : Event Please reach out to me directly if your organisation is interested in co-hosting a networking event with JacksonGrant, or if you’d like more information about professional networking in Thailand:  

The Power of Strong Relationships in the Recruitment Business
The Power of Strong Relationships in the Recruitment Business

JacksonGrant’s Secret of Success is Trust – This is How we Build Long-Term Client Partnerships Next month I will celebrate my first anniversary with JacksonGrant. When I first started working here last year, I was assigned to manage a key account with a big client that JacksonGrant had enjoyed a close working relationship for years prior to my arrival. It would be my responsibility to maintain, strengthen and grow this partnership. The importance of cultivating and fostering long-term client relationships is crucial to the success of every business; especially for a mid-sized regional recruitment agency. Building close, sustainable client partnerships is what sets JacksonGrant apart; it’s the hallmark of our success. So I put a lot of energy and effort into making this client feel valued and appreciated. I handled many tasks for the client myself, assisting their HR team in every way possible. During the past year, I managed to build our recruitment consulting business with them significantly, by focusing on cultivating a healthy, mutually beneficial relationship. Working with JacksonGrant, I have learned to collaborate on a more personal level with clients. This approach to recruitment almost makes me feel like I am part of their in-house HR team, more than an external consultant. Every problem I manage to solve for them builds trust. I constantly offer them assistance proactively, so their HR department can benefit from my feedback and two decades of recruitment experience. When our contract expired, the client was happy to renew and expand our business partnership. Because of my ability to maintain and strengthen this ongoing relationship, JacksonGrant has been hired to help with even more projects moving forward. Continuity is Key to Fostering Client Relationships There is lots of turnover in the fast-paced world of recruitment; establishing and nurturing strong client relationships is a critical component of long-term success. This can only be done successfully if the recruitment agency values and instills a culture of partnership. JacksonGrant’s recruitment business is built on trust, collaboration, and delivering exceptional results for clients. Today I want to share six aspects of relationship-building that contribute to building trust, establishing solid partnerships, and driving overall success. You should always look for a recruiter that has these qualities: 1. Establish Trust and Credibility: Trust is the cornerstone of any successful client relationship in the recruitment business. By consistently delivering on promises, maintaining open and transparent communication, and demonstrating a deep understanding of clients' needs, recruiters can establish themselves as trusted advisors. When clients trust their recruiters to find the best candidates for their organisation, it lays the foundation for a strong and enduring partnership. 2. Understand Each Clients’ Unique Needs: Effective recruitment relationships are built on a deep understanding of clients' unique needs and organisational culture. Recruiters must invest the time required to fully comprehend the client's business goals, industry landscape, and specific requirements for each role. By taking the time to truly understand clients' needs, recruiters can provide more targeted and effective recruitment solutions, ensuring the right fit for both the employer and the candidate. 3. Tailored Recruitment Strategies: Strong client relationships allow recruiters to tailor their recruitment strategies to meet the specific requirements of each client. By understanding the client's hiring preferences, timeline, and desired candidate profiles, recruiters can customise the sourcing, screening, and selection process. This personalised approach saves time and effort; it also increases the likelihood of successful placements and long-term satisfaction. 4. Open Communication and Collaboration: Successful client relationships thrive on open and effective communication. Recruiters must maintain regular contact with clients throughout the recruitment process, providing updates, sharing candidate profiles, and seeking feedback. This collaborative approach fosters a sense of partnership and ensures that recruiters and clients are on the same page at every stage. By actively involving clients in the decision-making process, recruiters make more informed choices and deliver results that align with the client's vision and work culture. 5. Proactive Problem-Solving: Strong client relationships empower recruiters to be proactive problem-solvers. When challenges or obstacles arise during the recruitment process, recruiters who have earned the trust of clients can quickly and easily address and resolve problems together. Whether it's adjusting the candidate profile, modifying the recruitment strategy, or addressing unexpected hurdles, a collaborative and solution-oriented approach strengthens the partnership and demonstrates the recruiter's commitment to delivering value. 6. Continuous Value Delivery: Successful client relationships go beyond individual placements; they focus on delivering ongoing value to the client. Recruiters can provide additional support and services, such as talent market insights, competitor analysis, or industry trends, to help clients stay ahead in a competitive talent landscape. By continuously providing value and being a trusted advisor, recruiters can become long-term strategic partners. Partner with JacksonGrant In the recruitment business, strong client relationships are essential for building trust, fostering partnerships, and driving overall success. If you’d like to learn more about our approach to recruiting, please feel free to reach out, I’m always happy to help:  

10 signs you need an RPO partner
10 signs you need an RPO partner

Are you an employer in Thailand struggling to free up sufficient internal talent acquisition or HR resources to support your long-term recruitment requirements? This can lead to recruitment challenges such as high turnover, difficulty in finding qualified candidates, compliance issues, and time-consuming hiring processes. If this sounds familiar, you're not alone. Many employers in Thailand face these common problems, which can hinder their ability to attract and retain top talent, and ultimately impact their business performance. However, there is a solution - Recruitment Process Outsourcing. How Recruitment Process Outsourcing works RPO is a hiring method where a third-party provider acts as an extension of a business’s internal recruitment team. An RPO partner can streamline hiring, enhance candidate quality, and manage all aspects of the hiring process at volume . In comparison to contingent recruiters, who divide their time across multiple clients and are paid only when a candidate is successfully place in a role, RPO partners assign dedicated consultants who focus on the needs of one client over a long period of time. This makes for a more efficient and effective services. JacksonGrant’s unique Recruitment as a Service model (RaaS) takes the best elements of RPO and combines it with aspects of Project Recruitment and Executive Search. RaaS is an integration of the full breadth of JacksonGrant’s resources, giving you access to a fully customisable, integrated, sustainable, and holistic talent acquisition solution. In addition to identifying talent for specific roles, our team can provide up to date talent market intelligence in your sector, and strategic advisory, right up to executive search support. Benefits of using an RPO service Using a Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) service offers several benefits for employers, including: Speed Dedicated resources and expertise to streamline the recruitment process, resulting in faster time-to-fill for vacant positions. Volume hiringEfficiently handle high-volume recruitment needs, such as during peak hiring seasons or for large-scale expansion plans. Candidate qualityRobust screening and assessment techniques to identify top-quality candidates who are the right fit for the organisation. Strategy supportGuidance and insights to optimise recruitment strategies, aligning them with business goals. Cost-effectiveCost-effective recruitment solutions that reduce recruitment costs and improve ROI. ScalabilityServices can be easily scaled up or down based on your hiring needs, providing flexibility and adaptability. Compliance expertiseEnsure compliance with relevant labour laws and regulations. Technology and innovationAccess to cutting edge, specialist, global recruitment technology. These valuable tools are specifically designed to provide best-in-class recruitment process. Access new talent poolsExtensive networks and talent pools that increase your chances of sourcing the right candidates. 10 signs you need an RPO partner : If RPO sounds like it might be the solution for you but you’re still unsure if the challenges you’re facing require RPO support here are ten signs that connecting with an RPO partner, like JacksonGrant, could be beneficial for your hiring: 1. You need to hire at volume If you have large-scale hiring needs with multiple positions to fill on a regular basis it can be difficult for smaller internal hiring teams to manage the recruitment process efficiently and effectively. Working with an RPO partner can help you generate and filter large numbers of applications and provide you with the industry experience and resources to manage large-scale recruitment campaigns.  2. You’re having difficulty finding qualified candidatesRPO providers have access to a wider talent pool supported by specialised databases, networks, and recruitment tools. If you are struggling to find qualified candidates these tools can help identify and attract qualified candidates more effectively.  3. Vacancies are taking a long time to fillLong time-to-fill periods for open positions can be an indication of inefficient recruitment processes or a lack of resources. 55% of candidates believe it should take less than two weeks from first interview to job offer. If your recruitment process is longer than that you could be losing out on the best candidates. An RPO partner can streamline your recruitment process, reduce time-to-fill, and ensure that you don’t miss out on top talent due to delays. 4. You don’t have access to recruitment expertiseIf your internal HR team lacks the necessary expertise in recruitment, it can result in ineffective sourcing strategies, poor candidate experience, and ultimately, subpar hiring outcomes. An RPO partner brings specialised recruitment expertise and best practices, including market insights, sourcing strategies, assessment techniques, and employer branding, which can enhance the quality of your hires. 5. Your recruitment is cost and resource heavyManaging the recruitment process in-house can be resource-intensive and costly, involving expenses such as job postings, recruitment tools, background checks, and interview logistics. Outsourcing your recruitment process to an RPO provider can provide cost-effective solutions, as they can leverage economies of scale and optimise recruitment resources. 6.    You need your recruitment efforts to scaleIf your hiring needs fluctuate seasonally or due to rapid business growth, you may need to scale your recruitment processes quickly. An RPO partner can provide the flexibility to scale up or down the recruitment process based on your organisation's needs, without the need for significant internal restructuring. 7. You’d like your talent acquisition to be more strategic An RPO partner can help elevate your talent acquisition function from a transactional approach to a strategic one. RPO providers can work closely with your organisation's leadership team to align recruitment strategies with business goals, create robust talent pipelines, and implement workforce planning and analytics to drive strategic talent acquisition initiatives. 8. You’re expanding into an unfamiliar geographical locationIf your organisation is expanding its operations into Thailand, navigating local recruitment practices, cultural nuances, and compliance requirements can be complex. An RPO partner, such as JacksonGrant, offers local expertise that can help you effectively manage recruitment across Thailand and Southeast Asia, ensuring compliance and consistency in hiring practices. 9. You are experiencing high turnover or low retention rates84% of Thai businesses are worried about retaining skills and expertise. High turnover or low retention rates may indicate issues in your recruitment process or candidate selection. An RPO partner can conduct thorough candidate assessments, background and reference checks to ensure that you are hiring candidates who are the right fit for your organisation, reducing turnover and improving retention rates. 10. Your focus is on core business functionsIf your organisation wants to focus on its core business functions and doesn't want to allocate significant resources to manage the recruitment process internally, partnering with an RPO provider can allow you to outsource the recruitment function while maintaining focus on your core competencies. Outsourcing your recruitment to JacksonGrant’s RaaS model Whether you are based in Thailand or are an international entity looking to break into the Thai engineering and technical markets outsourcing your recruitment to JacksonGrant has never been easier or more effective. As Thailand's leading engineering and technical recruitment agency, we can support your expansion into Thailand and Southeast Asia and help you hire experienced, technically proficient, English-speaking candidates. Our distinctive Recruitment as a Service (RaaS) model means you always have access to a bespoke, cost-effective strategy that achieves the right outcomes for your business and can adapt quickly and easily to your changing goals and the fast-paced global market.  Learn more about JacksonGrant’s unique RaaS service offering or get in touch to discuss your requirements.
